Post by carjack on Mar 12, 2009 16:41:59 GMT -5
I appealed last year immediately after receiving notice that I was not qualified. That was in June. It was based on not giving them my bar numbers. I e-mailed them the bar numbers and included a lengthy (for an e-mail) explanation of where and when I was admitted with the bar numbers. I was e-mailed in late Sept that I was ok and took the tests, the first of which was the next day, for which I had to fly across the country. But in for a penny in for a pound and it was the only shot I had so I went for it. I exchanged e-mails with a bunch of posters about that and I don't know if somebody else was denied with the exact same circumstance or not - I could never tell. I do know that it was a lot more technical than a score appeal and I did not appeal my score. I don't see how you could without knowing where you were scored. But, never say die.
Post by junebug on Mar 12, 2009 17:53:08 GMT -5
Last time, I had the same situation as carjack -- forgot my bar number; immediately appealed; and wrote lengthy email with bar numbers dates and attached a copy of a cert of good standing. My appeal was denied. The explanation attached said something like we considered only the information on your original application and the bar number was missing from the original application. So, I was out of luck. This time; I added my bar number to my application from last time and hit send. I qualified to test, interview, etc. etc.
Learning that somebody else situated in almost exactly the same position won their "appeal" makes me very angry (not at carjack).
Post by atlantis on Mar 12, 2009 20:01:34 GMT -5
I was also one of the left off the bar number, sent in the same explanation, etc got the reject. Added this time went forward. Carjack's experience just confirms again the hash that OPM manages to make of this.
Post by masondixon on Mar 12, 2009 22:16:02 GMT -5
Carjack, I do recall you talking about this previously. I also remember hearing about one or two other people successfully setting aside a "technical" deficiency notice in 2007. However, I have also heard of no person being successful with a rating appeal or, for that matter, even getting OPM to deny one with a formal response. I am stuck at square one with nothing but form notices from OPM in response to a formal rating appeal and several follow-up inquiries. It is irritating but what can we do.
Post by zero on Mar 16, 2009 15:12:41 GMT -5
Learning that somebody else situated in almost exactly the same position won their "appeal" makes me very angry (not at carjack). I guess the difference is that one could determine carjack's bar number from something in the application while junebug's ap did not have the number in it anywhere. We were all in such a hurry when we put these things together than I certainly cannot fault junebug for the minor oversight.
Post by doctorwho on Mar 17, 2009 9:59:58 GMT -5
I have to agree with zero . . . according to the NORs all eligibility expires by Oct 2010 . . . given how fast OPM is working on the current appeals, I highly doubt OPM will get to the appeals for the 2009 scores in time for it to matter anyway . . . This is the key.
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Posts: 14
Post by judo on Mar 17, 2009 10:51:34 GMT -5
Go for it southernmiss, don't miss your opportunity to exact change or not !
Post by southernmiss on Mar 17, 2009 14:02:15 GMT -5
I do not intend to spend more than an hour, max, on the appeal. I think it is close to useless. But I intend to say I did all I could. I may also send letters to Congresspeople to urge them, in the future, to get OPM to set up two types of tests-one of ODAR ALJ positions and one for everyone else, inasmuch as the needs for the two types are so different. I again realize it is probably useless, but someone has to at least broach the subject and I have little to lose if it antagonizes anyone. If it should ever happen, I will be long gone/retired but it may help some in the future.